Playing for the Planet: Vijaya Sundaram

Vijaya Sundaram is a musician of superb abilities. An excellent composer and lyricist, she has a wide repertoire of material from many of the great songwriters. Over the past decade, however, she’s been away from the performance scene, pursuing a career as a teacher in a local public school, and spending a lot of time with our daughter Sharada.

The “Playing for the Planet” concert actually saw her in three separate roles: as vocal accompanist for my set of khyal, as a member of the Agbekor Society, and as the singing and speaking MC of the evening.

In this last role, she presented three songs by three very different songwriters: Suzanne Vega, Jose Feliciano and Malvina Reynolds respectively. It was great to see and hear her back on stage with guitar in hand; I’m hoping that by the next concert, she’ll have some of her own music ready to play.


I have been wanting to get in touch for the last 30 years. Vijaya please get in touch


President Obama promised $100 million and the full resources of the U.S. government for what he said would be one of the largest relief efforts in recent history. U.S. officials said 30 countries had either sent aid or promised to do so. Rescue teams from eight countries were on the ground.

6 Jan 2010, 2:24am
by rochan pant

The Voice is very familiar.. time has changed the face.. it stil sounds as great as I remember from Mood I 1986.. I Think. good to hear as see this..


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