29 Oct 2010, 10:29pm
environment Politics:

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    Brighter Planet's 350 Challenge
  • Month 10, Day 30: Get Down To What Is Really Real.

    The Miami Herald runs an AP article on the GOP aversion to reality. And it refers to them (Republicans) as “skeptics.”


    It is inaccurate to call most Republican candidates “skeptics” on the issue of climate change. A skeptic is motivated by a search for truth, which leads him or her to doubt any knowledge that has not been verified by personal experience or research. These candidates should be called “deniers” or “denialists.” Observe their unwillingness to do any research, their aversion to verifiable facts — the conclusion is inescapable: Republican opposition to the very concept of climate change is entirely ideological. Why do they reject the statements of scientific specialists? Precisely because scientists present actual hard evidence that climate change is real — evidence that can only be countered by unwavering refusals to listen and to understand. In other words, GOP candidates’ response to the facts on climate change is to stick their fingers in their ears and shout loudly. Republicans weren’t always anti-reality, but that was a long time ago.

    Warren Senders

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